Designing the interiors on a house that is already up and running, can be quite a challenge, as you have to work around the already established dynamics of the family. My clients had finished their house some time ago, but due to their busy schedule, they hadn’t had the time to do the interiors and make it feel more as a home. This project presented 2 extra challenges: making everything look as part of the original design and architecture; and integrating several social areas forming triangular dynamics, (generated from the architectural design), in a way that would make the social relations flow, instead of hindering them.

 “Mari, It’s beautiful! It’s sophisticated, but simple and it feels like it has always been in our house! It’s amazing, amazing, amazing!” —the client told me over the phone when she got back from a trip and entered into her new home, which I had just finished styling the day before.

I have the great luck that my clients end up becoming my dear friends. They keep on trusting me, not only through referrals, as word of mouth has always been the main source of how my clients find me. But also through commissioning me other houses they have. With them, we are currently designing their second home in Las Catalinas.
